Oil-Free Screw Blower: Flexible Design in a Complete System Solution


Oil-Free Screw Blowers

Oil-Free Screw Blowers Oil-Free Screw Blowers Type - ZS 4

Oil-free screw blowers
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High process uptime at low lifecycle cost

Energy costs can add up to 80% of the lifecycle cost of a blower. That's why we constantly develop new blower models, consuming a minimum level of
energy, such as the ZS VSD+. The Atlas Copco oil-free screwblower element is driven by our in-house developed liquid cooled permanent magnet motor. Combined with the Neos VSD inverter, this successfull energy-efficient variable speed driven solution runs trouble-free in the harshest environments.
With the ZS VSD+ you don't need to worry about your process uptime and no hidden surprises will occur when receiving the energy bill at the end of the month.

Most energy-efficient variable speed driven blower in the market

Atlas Copco took again a next step in the development of energy-efficient low pressure solutions. The introduction of integrated permanent magnet motors results in the most energy-efficient variable speed driven oil-free screw blower in the market.

Durable and reliable design

For us, every design choice is driven by composing reliable and durable solutions. Our permanent magnet motor housing is foreseen with a liquid cooled jacket to keep it cool in any circumstances. The oil pump is fully integrated ensuring exactly the right amount of cooled oil to the bearings and gears. Transmission from motor to screw element happens over a gearbox.

Ensured process uptime

Start securing your process quality and process uptime by selecting the highest guarantee on pure, 100% Class 0 certified oil-free air delivery.
Fully operational, the SMARTLINK monitoring system keeps you informed on-line on the machine-health, proposes pro-actively service interventions and advises you on the operational efficiency of the blower system.

Our commitment: total solution packages fitting easily in your blower room

With the ZS & ZS VSD+ you get a compact Plug & Play blower solution. It will fit in your existing blower room - if you have that already - or next to it if you would prefer so. The design is flexible when it comes to the installation setup; maintenance and inspection can be done from front & back so you are free to install them side-by-side. The blowers can be installed outside in pretty though environments, we allow ambient conditions with temperatures up to 50°C/120°F.

Process flow

• Air intake with noise attenuating baffle system.
• Air is filtered prior to entering the screwblower element.
• Internal compression in the oil-free screwblower
• At start-up, the blow-off valve is 'open' for smooth unit start-up. That valve closes itself, pushed by the increased air pressure.
• As soon as the blow-off valve is closed, air pressure increases further, resulting in enough force to push the check-valve open.
• Discharge silencer reduces the pressure pulsation levels to the minimum.
• Air delivery to the system.

Oil flow

• Oil pump, mounted on screwblower shaft hence directly
• Oil suction from carter, integrated in the gearbox.
• All oil is pumped to oil cooler; all oil is cooled.
• Cool oil flows through Permanent Magnet motor cooling jacket.
• Bypass valve decides exact oil flow that is required for bearing- and gear cooling and lubrication.
• That oil first is fine-filtered.
• Filtered cool oil is distributed to individually tuned oil nozzles per bearing and/or gear in screwblower element, gearbox and Permanent Magnet motor.
• Internal drains recover all oil in the carter (in the gearbox).

Cooling flow

• One cooling fan pulls the hot air out of the canopy.
• Fresh air is taken from the unit back side.
• That air first passes a noise attenuating baffle system.
• The cooling fan forces the canopy air through the oil cooler, taking away the heat of the oil. The hot air then leaves the canopy through the roof-top grating.
• The VSD cubicle is cooled with fresh air taken-in through filters in the front door.
• Cubicle fans push the hot air out of the cubicle, the hot air can leave the canopy through the same roof-top grating.

Flowchart ZS & ZS VSD

The process flow for our fixed speed and VSD model is identical to the VSD+.

Oil flow

The difference between the ZS VSD + and ZS (VSD) is that, instead of oil being pumped to the oil cooler, a bypass valve decides exact oil flow that is required for bearing- and gear cooling and lubrication. That oil first is then pumped through the oil cooler and the cool oil is fine-filtered.

Cooling flow

The start of the ZS (VSD) cooling flow differs from the ZS VSD +, as a cooling fan pulls fresh air from the unit back side instead of pulling hot air out of the canopy. That fresh air is pushed through the oil cooler, taking away the heat of the oil. In parallel, the motor cooling fan also pulls fresh air from the unit back side. The motor fan-cowl ensures that air flowing over the motor cooling fins.

No.101, Lane 861, Fuguo Rd., Taoyuan City 33046, Taiwan